Setting up cPanel 301 Redirects

"CPanel 301 Redirect Setup"

Setting up a 301 redirect in cPanel is a straightforward process. Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Log in to cPanel: Open your web browser and log in to cPanel using your credentials. Typically, you can log in by visiting "https://yourdomain.com:2083".

  2. Go to "Redirects" Section: On the cPanel main dashboard, look for a section called "Domains" or "Redirects." Click on "Redirects" or the equivalent.

  3. Access the Redirect Setup Page: On this page, you'll find a form used to add redirects. Fill in the required information to add a redirect.

  4. Select the Type of Redirect: Look for an option labeled "Type" and choose "Permanent (301)" or the equivalent. A 301 redirect informs browsers and search engines that the redirection is permanent.

  5. Specify Source and Target URLs:

    • Source URL: The URL you want to redirect. For example, "example.com/old-page."
    • Target URL: The new URL where you want the source URL to redirect. For example, "example.com/new-page."
  6. Specify the "www" Option (Optional): Depending on your preference, select whether you want the redirect to include or exclude the "www" prefix.

  7. Use the "Wild Card Redirect" Option (Optional): If you want to redirect all files or subdirectories in a specific folder, use the "Wild Card Redirect" option.

  8. Click "Save Redirects" or "Save": After entering the necessary information, click on the "Save" or "Save Redirects" button to save your redirect.

Following these steps, your 301 redirect will be active. This will permanently redirect the specified source URL to the target URL. The redirect usually takes effect immediately, but it may take a few hours in some cases.

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